22 Mart 2009 Pazar

What about Milk?

Milk rests so exclusively on its performances, especially Sean Penn's marvelous characterization of Harvey Milk. It's not a great movie, but it is an refreshing and unusual one. It can be basically consideres as an "effervescent political film that also packs a knockout punch." As Milk, Penn provides the most embracing, socialist figure of an American figure since Henry Fonda's young Abe Lincoln, thus Fonda was playing Lincoln in his lawyer days. One is desired to call this figure honoring, but everything Penn does is too complicated for that. As Milk struggles to become the first openly gay man elected to high public office in a major U.S. city, the joy belongs to viewers. He may become an inspiration, but we get to see him sweat, then triumph, as he uses every means of persuasion to face with the volatility of threatened straights and the hesitation of gays.

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