31 Mayıs 2009 Pazar


Aaah... The movies... I just love watching them. I usually watch three or four movies in a week. Isn't that a lot? People sometimes call me as "filmaholic" just because I enjoy watching. In my spare time, I watch movies with my dad, who is also a movie maniac -he has like a thousands of DVDs in his "private DVD case"- and after watching the movies we may argue sometimes. We don't argue in a bad way don't worry :) It's just like a discussion. Like he said after watching He's not just that into you, "Oh my god, people are so ruining their reputation when they play in such films. Look at Scarlett Johanson!" I totally don't agree! I think actresses or actors should play in some soft movies, to give a break sometimes. He also said something similar after watching Marley & Me. My dad -god, he's sometimes too right- usually doesn't enjoy watching family films or high school films because he thinks that they are stupid and nonsense. However, he has a perfect taste of movies. He once listed, he was all right, the nominations for Oscars. This year he predicted some award for Benjamin Button, in the Best Scenairo or something but, sorry dad, he was wrong :(

Another best things about watching films is watching them with your friends. For example, in a slumber party! That's like the most fun thing to do. Prepare your popcorns, turn the light off, wear your favorite pjama... Wow, now you are ready for a rocking slumber party :) Either watch a girly movie, or a high school comedy, or a horror movie, don't worry you'll have SO MUCH FUN :)

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